Monday, February 14, 2011

I started again

The best thing about life is ‘it is so unpredictable’, like it rewards when least expected or, not at all expected. Likewise, little efforts sometimes makes people (including ourselves) smile, sometime not. But it is always worth trying the thing we enjoy doing, like I again started writing after one and half years knowing I am not going like it after few months. Why? Because I found now that few things are worth writing, even if no one is going to read it afterwards including myself, and I enjoy writing the happy, funny moments of my life.

So, here I come again, as you can see, after a long time and that’s also in the month of love, love and love with a new story to tell, new moments to feel and also a new _____. Hmm, I know you guys can easily guess [;)]. So, as I already mentioned it has been almost 18 months since my last feeling encounter (a story still in WIP) which turned out to be my last one of that era. But with the blessing of someone I respect and care a lot, I regain the reason to start again (although this time also I blew up my chances as usual but still the moments, the feelings are worth framing into a story). The month of beautiful colours of love has a new colour in my life.

Many of you may not know that I stop writing the stories due to my own mistakes. Actually I lost my reason to write and without purpose life has no meaning, how could my write ups would have. And it was all my fault. My confidence was flowing out of me like the river flow in the flood and that’s why its hold became necessary and I bounded it with the rule ‘my freedom ends where my nose ends’ (funny right, yeah I am good at it).

I could keep on going with all kind of abstract talks (like above) which at the end of the day doesn’t make any sense. So, I better come to the creamy part of this story, making ourselves relax & comfortable with the real world, my world of happiness & imagination. So, let’s begin our journey through the beautiful moment of my life.

It all started (and sadly finished) in the train, my journey to Bangalore which I started half heartily. I was travelling with few friends but soon I realised that I was the odd one in the group. It was like being in the crowd but feel like no one is around. So, when I got a chance to separate from others, I did it and exchanged my berth with someone in need, a berth where I knew no one and felt the same (not a good idea but I did I went for this as I am generally a sole traveller).

So, I got a new berth, new berth mates, and obviously new start in the journey having new opportunities, new things to discover, new things to feel, new energy started flowing in my body and with this new energy what I did was sleeping, eating, sleeping, eating and little services to my berth mates like passing the food etc when I was not feeling sleepy. Isn’t I am a great person. No need for applause, all credit goes to my sleepy mind (my mind will not work if I do not sleep well and eat well). There is a saying ‘Good food is a direct way to men’s heart’.

After having ample of sleep (i.e. around mid of the day), I looked around the people accompanied me and among those there was the girl, who…….. Wait-wait-wait, hold your horses, don’t be too much excited just with the word ‘the girl’, please have some patience friends, I will but later. Actually there were two girls, but my story has concern only with one, ‘the girl’. She also got few here and there services from me like others.

As usual I wanted to talk (old habits die hard & in my case they aged very slowly too), but this time self realization from my last mistake overwhelmed the thought of talk. Earlier, I used to start the talk just to see whether I am able to start a talk or not and now as I know I can, this booster was lost. Nevertheless, I somehow figured out that she also wanted to talk to me, but still it is a worthless thing to me as this booster was also not that high to overcome the thought of self realization. At that time I felt so helpless. I was confirmed she wanted to talk but a girl will generally not start a talk (my thought) and my so called self realization didn’t allow me to start the talk. I felt mockingly laughing at myself as well as felt sorry for myself as this is the first time I was confirmed this girl wanted to talk to me and I was not starting the talk (pathetic me).

You may ask how I knew that she wanted to talk to me, and the answer is ‘I really don’t know’. Just my heart told me that she wanted to talk but my mind was not able to figure out why a girl, as good looking as her, wanted to talk to me. In fact she was more than what I want. That moment what I did was nothing but started to feel the sweet songs from my mobile to distract myself (in speaker but keeping in mind that my freedom ends where my nose ends).

After few songs, my heart’s feelings became true and my mind’s confusions became alive as she started the talk (she proved my thought wrong and I felt wonderful). The talk lasted for few minutes as I didn’t have anything to talk. Everything was so sudden and my mind was busy with sorting out its own dungeon of confusions (I was so confused). So, I went to my friends’ berths where there were 4 kids and had some good time playing with them, which at least saved my mind from its own dungeon of questions which doesn’t have answers unless I ask her why, which was not at all feasible.

More time passed, train stopped at one station. I got down to the platform only to find that she was already there. She saw me and smiled. What the heaven, generally I am the one who smile first, she aced me here too. I just froze at that moment looking at her smiling; the whole world became so beautiful. She looked so fine in her simple attire. Everything was nicest in my life at that moment. I just smiled back (a ‘HIS smile’) and said ‘HI’. Do girls know what make them more beautiful than any other cosmetic cream can ever do and that’s also free of cost? I think most of them don’t. The girls look best when they are wearing a ‘HIS smile’ on their face. Didn’t get it? Here ‘HIS smile’ is Humble & Innocent & Sweet smile, just like ‘Eid ka chand’.

So, where I was, yeah, I said ‘HI’ to her. Our conversation started again. She asked my name. No doubt here also she made the first goal, as generally I do not ask the name from a girl because I think it’s rude. Then some of you may have doubt that how in the world of imagination I get their names. Very simple yaar, I first introduce myself and if they wanted to introduce themselves, they will. So, I told her my first name and waited for a while thinking, ‘everything is going in reverse direction today, so I better ask her name’. And I did ask her name. She told me her name. The very first thing that came into my mind after knowing her name was ‘a popular song having her name’. So, I asked “your parents might have liked ‘the song’ while thinking about your name?” She smiled and said “they might have”. We had few more casual talks then the signal became yellow and we boarded the train.

I then went to the kids and she went to her berth. When I returned to my birth, it was my great surprise to see that she had given me a small favour which shows that she did care about me. It might be a very natural thing for her as we had introduced ourselves. But as I had gotten very-very few favour/s in my life and moreover I never got unasked favour from a girl (I already had one asked favour from a girl after which I decided not to ask any favour from a girl) so, this one is the first unasked favour given to me from a sweet girl and I liked it. I liked it so much that I did not say thank you to her. I was so thrilled / happy in that moment that ‘thank you’ seemed to me a very cheap thing to say. So, I didn’t say anything (I am such an idiot). That time she just boarded a direct flight to my heart.

I was sitting beside her, perpetually confused on what to say to her, as I didn’t want to say ‘thank you’ to her. But no idea came out of my stupid mind (my mind jammed when I talk to girls face to face). Suddenly it hit in my mind, ‘we can watch a movie in my laptop’. So, I asked permission to all my berth mates to watch a movie. And they all agreed. I am so bad. We watched a movie name ‘Megamind’-animated comedy action movie. She was sitting just next to me. Everything was just awesome.

Next morning we reached our destination. We bid each other good bye. I was full of energy when I got down from train and my friends were still sleepy. So, There everything ends and I enjoyed my journey with her. The best part in my journey is her. After we separated, I realised ‘something is terribly missing in my life’. I had everything I needed but still I was having nothing at all. Literally you can say that ‘kudi dil le gayi yaar’. And the worst part of my journey is I didn’t have any contact of her. Unlucky, pathetic, silly (etc you can add more later) me. Hey, not a problem yaar, there are still many other girls out there. At least one will be for me also. So, cheer up and wait for next story. Buh-bye. And Keep Smiling.

Your Friend


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